About the Business
CNCPFM can trace their roots back over 100 years and until 2001 were the in-house property team of a successful plc property company. Since gaining independence in 2001, CNCPFM have successfully developed their business and now provide fund management services and corporate advice to a number of third party clients in relation to their property interests. CNCPFM are currently responsible for the invoicing, collection and management of properties with a gross occupational area comfortably in excess of 500,000sqm.
Under the reporting regulations, CNCPFM are required to provide regular written and financial reports to all of their clients in accordance with set client needs and relevant formal financial procedures. As managers of property CNCPFM regularly deal with applications from third parties in regard to neighbourhood issues and planning applications for adjoining land, as well as dealing with requests for consent from tenants in regard to alterations to leased premises.
Location & Hours

9-11 Castle Street