About the Business
Immedi-let.co.uk is a new and exciting online lettings agent designed by landlords, for landlords.
As a business we have been hugely active in the buy to let market, with an involvement in fast approaching 40 purchases in the past year alone. We are part of a group of investors who are some of the most active and creative in the UK and have outstanding contacts within the industry. We deal with tenants and other landlords on a daily basis, so we completely understand what people are looking for as a level of service. We provide only a service that we as landlords primarily would be happy with, and the business has developed under this ethos.
Immedi-let.co.uk apply specialised online marketing to expose a landlord's property to the largest possible audience. We are aware that the number of tenants that source their property to live in online is fast reaching 90%.
Location & Hours

Laurel House/Dee Banks